If you haven't eaten tacos in the market or on the streets of Cancun, you don't know the true pleasure of this traditional Mexican food
It is a true blessing to taste some delicious tacos while you watch how they are prepared, and in a matter of minutes they are ready for your palate. We will visit 4 extraordinary places with the best seasoning of Cancun tacos.
- Duration: Approx. 3.5 hours
- Daily Tour: 09:00 am
- Departure Point: Your hotel or meeting point
- Pick-up time: Provided by the tour operator
- Return Details: Returns to the original departure point
- Round-trip transportation from Downtown Cancun and Cancun Hotel Zone
- 4 authentic street food stops (pork tacos, tamales, Torta de chilaquiles, salbute, and a natural-flavored popsicle for dessert)
- Naturally flavored water, freshly squeezed juice, and soft drinks
- Side dishes (guacamole, beans, Pico de Gallo and salsas)
- Visit to the best local market in Cancun
- Visit to urban art in Cancun